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From coeliac disease diagnosis to independence: A guide for parents

When a child is diagnosed with coeliac disease, it is common for parents to experience a range of emotions. These can include fear, overwhelm and powerlessness. Some parents may also experience relief at finally knowing the cause of their child’s symptoms. Even as your child reaches adulthood, or when they are diagnosed as a young […]

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Navigating a Coeliac Disease Diagnosis in Later Life

Research shows that a growing number of coeliac disease diagnoses are occurring in people over 65. While older adults may experience symptoms similar to younger individuals, such as iron deficiency anaemia, weight loss, and persistent diarrhoea, some symptoms may look somewhat different. These can include autoimmune disorders, increased fracture risk (osteoporosis), lymphoma, and heart disease […]

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Why calcium is important for people with coeliac disease

In the final of our nutrition series – we look at calcium.  Every move we make, every step we take, has a connection with calcium – how?  In our bones and teeth.  99% of all the calcium in our body is stored in our bones and teeth.  Calcium also helps support heart health, nerve functioning […]

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