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Lunch Box Inspiration and Back to School

When caring for a child with coeliac disease, you require vigilance to keep them safe when food is present, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Additionally, once you are a coeliac, you are a coeliac for life. Caregivers must supervise their child with coeliac disease as the consequences of eating gluten are not […]

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Coeliac Disease and COVID 19 Vaccination

There is no evidence to suggest that people with coeliac disease are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19 or at higher risk of serious illness related to COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it is unlikely that having coeliac disease will place you in a higher priority group for COVID-19 vaccination. Discuss any individual health concerns or risk […]

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The Clinical Presentation of CD is Changing

Kirsten Coppell, Public Health Physician and Research Associate Professor at the Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Centre, University of Otago, discusses the changing clinical presentation of coeliac disease. (Article published in the Pharmacy Guild magazine: Contact Dec-Jan 2021) Coeliac disease (CD) affects about 1% of the global population.[1] It is more common among first-degree relatives […]

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