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Welcome to Suzanne Aitken

Coeliac New Zealand is dedicated to supporting education and improving understanding of coeliac disease.  We developed a Health Promotion plan 3 years ago and our current Health Promotion Manager Lisa Jury has developed various resources to support people with coeliac disease and their whanau. To increase our resources in this area we have established a […]

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Tips for building resilience after natural disasters

Health Promotion Manager, Lisa Jury shares strategies to cope in difficult times. The devastation to homes and communities caused by the Auckland Anniversary Floods and Cyclone Gabrielle was felt across the nation.  For many coeliac families, the emergency services did not cater well for people on a restricted diet so the additional support provided by the […]

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Looking after our mind and our body

Coeliac Disease receives a lot of attention when it comes to physical health and diet. This makes sense, as of course, it is an autoimmune condition with physical symptoms, and health consequences and its only known treatment is a strictly gluten-free diet. However, CD affects more than just physical health for many people with CD. […]

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