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My Coeliac Story - Petula McClatchy

It is such a relief after all the tests and the years of something is not right but can’t find the answer to hearing. You have Coeliac Disease. The elation soon turns to despair as you find out the life you once had of never having to think about what you eat, where you eat,...

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Healthy Food Guide – Ask an Expert

‘My wife has just been diagnosed with coeliac disease.  I do most of the cooking for the household.   How can I make sure she’s getting what she needs now she’s gluten-free without making everything boring?’ Kath Fouhy, Coeliac New Zealand chairwoman (2018) and Senior Performance Nutritionist for High Performance Sport New Zealand, answers: Although the […]

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Advice for travelling to Rarotonga

As someone who has been a diagnosed Coeliac for well over 15 years, and travelled to many countries in that time, there is still always the element of the unknown when travelling overseas, and Rarotonga was no exception. I contacted Coeliac NZ prior to leaving and there was nothing recent on file in regards to […]

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