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Antioxidants HFG - Eat a rainbow

The different colours in fruits and vegetables signal the presence of different groups of phytochemicals, so aim to 'eat a rainbow' every day to gain maximum health benefits. Red pigments are antioxidant heroes: anthocyanins and carotenoids. Lycopene, the carotenoid found in tomatoes, packs a powerful antioxidant punch. Vitamin C is also often present. Green for […]

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Challenges, benefits and coping strategies

Getting diagnosed with coeliac disease is completely different for everyone. Whatever symptoms we all felt prior to diagnosis though, after diagnosis many of us face fairly consistent challenges, adjustments, and feelings. Recently on our Facebook page, we asked members to share their experiences, concerns, and difficulties around making everyday food decisions while living with coeliac […]

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Impact of coeliac disease on Cognitive & Mental Health

The connection between your gut and brain is indisputable – so it’s perhaps unsurprising that a condition like coeliac disease, which affects your gut so significantly, also has an impact on your mind. Yet until now, very little has been said about the connection – and so often, mental or cognitive symptoms are dismissed as […]

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