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Coeliac disease and cosmetics.

Gluten can’t be absorbed through the skin Gluten can’t cause damage to the small intestine when it’s absorbed through the skin, so if you have coeliac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis, you don’t need to worry about gluten in cosmetics or medicines that are topically applied (to the skin, hair, nails, etc). Rarely, gluten/wheat may cause […]

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Hookworms still hold hope

A new trial headed by senior research fellow and immunologist Dr Paul Giacomin moves closer to discovering how a tiny gut parasite could benefit people with coeliac disease. The results are in from the latest international trial investigating the links between hookworm infection and improved gluten tolerance in coeliac disease patients. And while there’s no […]

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Lunch Box Inspiration and Back to School

When caring for a child with coeliac disease, you require vigilance to keep them safe when food is present, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Additionally, once you are a coeliac, you are a coeliac for life. Caregivers must supervise their child with coeliac disease as the consequences of eating gluten are not […]

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