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Take it one step at a time

All my life I have been a picky eater. I never liked how pasta made me feel so I hardly ate it, when people told me that weetbix gave them energy, it made me sleepy and I never understood how others could eat so much and feel full, yet I was always hungry. This was […]

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Living with coeliac disease twins

We recently celebrated Coeliac Awareness Week. This time two years ago I was blissfully unaware of what coeliac disease really was, but later that June we had the diagnosis for one of our twins, aged 9. He’d complained of a sore tummy for years, but in multiple visits to the doctor never once had a […]

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Kids can be quite adaptable

Our son James aged 7 was diagnosed with coeliac disease 6 months ago. Leading up to his diagnosis was a very challenging time. In early 2021 he became more lethargic and pale, irritable, had less of an appetite and looked thin, whilst having a bloated tummy and occasional loose bowels. Because James is also on […]

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