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Importance of a good night’s sleep.

Sleep requirements change as we age.  From a recommended 14-17 hours for a newborn through to seven or more hours per night for an adult (18-60), our sleep requirements also have an impact on promoting good health and well-being.1 The influence of sleep on chronic conditions and general well-being has been the subject of increased […]

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Whaowhia te kete mā­tauranga

This Mā­ori proverb (Whakataukī) translates in English to ‘fill the basket of knowledge’.  A good reflection for us this year as we roll into September and celebrate Mā­ori language week (September 12 to September 18). The origins of Māori language week pipe back to 1972, when Parliament was petitioned to promote the language.  From there, […]

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Coeliac disease schools resource

This year’s Coeliac Awareness Week (CAW) theme was “My Coeliac Challenge, Take Charge, Get Diagnosed, and Find Help.” As well as encouraging people at risk or with symptoms to get tested, Coeliac New Zealand raised awareness of the daily challenges people living with the condition face and developed a range of resources to support people […]

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