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When to see your health professional

Do you have any ongoing symptoms that have not been addressed?  Did you know that those with Coeliac Disease may also have other intolerances or symptoms related to their food intake?  When talking about food and nutrients, it is important to seek the advice and support of your healthcare team before eliminating or restricting your […]

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Coeliac NZ Position Statement: Oats and Coeliac Disease

Whilst the consumption of oats confers health benefits, standard oats are typically processed in the same place as wheat, barley and rye, rendering them unsafe for individuals with Coeliac Disease due to contamination.  Also, studies indicate that one in five people with Coeliac Disease react to ‘pure’, uncontaminated oats. Pure oats are not considered safe […]

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Men's Health Month

Men’s Health Month also known as Movember, is an annual event that takes place in November.  It is a time when men put down their razors for the month of November to raise awareness of men's mental and physical health including suicide prevention, and prostate and testicular cancer research.  You can support Men's health in […]

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