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Meet one of the chefs at myFoodBag

Hello, I am  Saskia one of the chefs at My Food Bag. I have a husband and a daughter who both have coeliac disease and it has been eight years since their diagnosis. My husband was in his forties when he was diagnosed, and my daughter was six years old when she was diagnosed - […]

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Separating fact from fiction around coeliac disease

With the online world at our fingertips, it has never been more important to ensure people have accurate and evidence-based information that they can rely on.  Many so-called online ‘experts’ will also share their knowledge in such a persuasive manner that it is hard to distinguish between fact and fiction or in some cases fantasy. […]

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Sharing your lived experience with coeliac disease

Thank you to Coeliac NZ member, and volunteer in Whakatane Fiona Hennessey for sharing her lived experience with coeliac disease. "Being diagnosed late in life as a coeliac is challenging enough, without it being in the middle of pandemic food shortages; then try going to work events! I have had some great experiences where the […]

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