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Q&A with Bronte Anscombe


Bronte Anscombe was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease over 10 years ago, which sparked an interest in nutrition leading her to study nutrition and dietetics. 

How old were you when you were diagnosed, and what were the main symptoms?

I was 12 years old when I was diagnosed. Unlike a lot of people, I did not have any obvious symptoms. After an extended flu, the doctor was ordering blood tests to check for glandular fever. She asked my Mum whether we had any other genetic conditions to test for, which is where Coeliac Disease came in! But I suppose the extended fatigue and inability to throw off the illness would have been somewhat attributed to Coeliac Disease. 

How has your lifestyle and wellbeing improved since going GF?

My diagnosis sparked an interest in food and nutrition; why did my body react to the foods I ate but others didn't? Naturally going GF removed a lot of processed foods from my diet, since by default I was not able to consume a lot of fast foods and junk foods growing up. It also encouraged me to be more creative with cooking, adapting recipes to being gluten free, and constantly trying new gluten-free foods. 

What kind of symptoms do you notice when you get glutened?  How long does it take to recover and do you have any tips or remedies that help give you symptom relief?
I am lucky that my symptoms are not as severe as some others; despite the gastroenterologist reporting that I had one of the most severe cases he had ever seen from my biopsy! I get very painful stomach cramps, which is how I know I have consumed gluten. If your symptoms are similar to mine would recommend always having gastrosoothe medication on hand (particularly when travelling!), lying down with a hot water bottle and having a peppermint tea. Essentially just wait it out!

 Do you have any favourite GF brands? or places to eat out?

My favourite GF brands/products that I regularly eat: Thoroughbread Paleo Rustic Bread; Blue Frog Kaipara Kumara cereal; and all Ceres Organics products. My favourite GF friendly places to eat out: Bowl and Arrow (all smoothie bowls can be topped with GF Blue Frog cereal on request), Sip Kitchen (everything is amazing, but I particularly love their Omega plate and raw slices) and Burger Burger (both "bunnace" and GF Vogels bun options). 

 Do you have any suggestions for cost effective GF meals?

Eating a GF diet, when based on healthy whole foods, should not be any more expensive. Shop seasonal and local for fruit and vegetables, and make the most of any local produce markets. Make dinners in bulk to take lunch leftovers to work or school (a huge money saver!). If you are finding any particular GF foods expensive to buy try making your own; bread, crackers, muesli and baking all work well. I am also a big fan of services such as My Food Bag for busy families, and this in turn can be a great cost savings if you find you always buy more than you need every supermarket shop! 

Do you follow any food bloggers or online websites for inspiration about GF food, recipes and or places to travel?

Nadia Lim is an absolute favourite of mine, and as a dietitian she not only outlines which meals are GF but also ensures all meals are nutritionally balanced. I also like Julia & Libby, the Healthy Hunter and Minimalist Baker. 

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