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Health Promotion

Raising Awareness About Coeliac Disease

Delivering Our Health Promotion Strategy


Health Promotion at Coeliac New Zealand is about supporting those with coeliac disease to live healthier lives and be coeliac-safe. Our work includes leading and delivering innovative and high-quality health promotion programs, resources, and campaigns to help navigate the journey of coeliac disease. We work with medical professionals through our Medical Advisory Panel and partner with researchers and academics, Māori, Pacific and Asian health providers, food industry groups and volunteers throughout New Zealand who align with our goals.

Our new Toolkits, Diet Guide and Shopping resources are designed to support those with coeliac disease to better advocate for themselves. Resources have been developed to raise awareness and educate others on how coeliac disease impacts you and your whanau daily, from early childhood education to schools, and workplaces. The resources cover topics like; getting informed, food & nutrition policy, preparing for camp, smart label reading, how to prevent cross-contamination, managing coeliac disease in the corporate world, and much more.

The Coeliac NZ Medical Advisory Panel has prepared a dietitian standard of care for adults newly diagnosed with coeliac disease which includes a new patient checklist to ensure a holistic approach to patient care. If you are a dietitian or health care professional and would like a copy of these resources, please contact our Health Promotion Manager for a copy. Email:

Living Coeliac Safe Resources


  • New member joining fee: $95.00 (includes $35.00 for new member's pack)

  • Yearly renewal fee: $60.00

  • To become a member fill in the online enrolment form.


About Coeliac New Zealand


Your partner in
healthy living

Coeliac New Zealand is available throughout your journey. As part of our community, you’ll get support, advice, and assistance. We work with health professionals, manufacturers, and researchers to raise awareness of coeliac disease in NZ.

Together, we can reach a day when every person with coeliac disease gets diagnosed quickly, lives a healthy life, and has the prospect of a cure.



Support your charity – the only not-for-profit supporting Kiwis with coeliac disease. Become part of Coeliac New Zealand now.



Volunteering is a great way to grow your community and share your knowledge with others.
Find out how.



Help us reach more people who are suffering from coeliac disease. Contribute to the greater good of your community.




We are always on the look-out for passionate people interested in raising funds and building awareness about coeliac disease


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