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The Gluten Free Food Festival is scheduled to take place over two days on the 18-19th October.

A VIP event on Friday 18th October 4.30-7pm (which includes the Coeliac NZ 50 year celebration) and the main festival on Saturday 19th October between 10-4.00 pm. The GF Food Festival will be hosted at Due Drop Event Centre, Auckland and will bring together over 100 GF food manufacturers and GF food trucks for a weekend celebration of flavours, freedom, and community! Purchase tickets to both events here:

Included in the festival ticket Coeliac New Zealand will host four interactive and informative workshops about living well with coeliac disease.  Each of the workshops will target a specific age range from childhood to coeliac disease in the older person.  The workshops will be 50 minutes long and will follow a similar format.  An introduction to the age group, discussing key medical considerations will be followed by a topic presentation.  After the presentation(s), the participants will join in group-based discussions around current issues and concerns for the age group.  Each discussion group will be able to collectively share thoughts, ideas, and strategies to support each other within the coeliac community.





Kelly Gibney

Kelly Gibney (Food Demonstration)

Kelly is an Auckland-based cook, food stylist, photographer and mother of two. Over the last decade her recipes and photography have appeared in Dish Magazine, Fashion Quarterly, NZ Herald, and Stuff. She’s also collaborated with many of New Zealand’s most-loved food brands.

Kelly has appeared on TV3 and TVNZ and you’ll regularly hear her on RNZ. Kelly’s background was previously in hospitality in New York, Melbourne and Auckland. She’s been a judge for Metro Magazine’s “Restaurant of the Year” awards and enjoys hosting and MCing food and hospitality industry related events.

Her debut cookbook WHOLEHEARTED was released in 2017. Her second book, ENJOY: food worth sharing with the people you love, was released in 2023 and has been shortlisted for both an NZ Booklovers Award and a PANZ Book Design Award.



Dr. Jonathan (Jon) Bishop MB ChB 1995 Edin; MRCPCH 1999; CCT (UK) Paeds 2008; FRACP 2013

Jon is a valued member of our CNZ Medical Advisory Panel and will provide a gastroenterologist’s brief medical overview of Coeliac Disease for each of our workshop sessions. He completed undergraduate and postgraduate paediatric gastroenterology training in the UK before undertaking a six month Fellow post in Starship Children’s Hospital in 2007. Jon returned to the UK to work as a consultant post in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow between 2008 and 2011 before the lure of the Southern hemisphere proved too strong and he returned to Starship as a Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist/Hepatologist. His professional interests include coeliac disease, inflammatory bowel disease and cystic fibrosis liver disease.


Suzanne Aitken (Registered Dietitian)

Suzanne is a Registered Dietitian with over 15 years’ experience in primary care.  She has extensive experience working with vulnerable populations using a holistic approach to wellbeing as part of a wider clinical team.  She has a management background with a passion for providing exceptional clinical care, improving health inequities, and increasing access to services.  She will support the team at Coeliac New Zealand with the roll out of the Dining out Programme as well as providing education, support, and awareness for those living with coeliac disease. Since joining CNZ in 2023 as our dietary education manager, Suzanne has been working towards getting more consistency for safer eating options outside the home and providing valuable dietetic input to the organisation. She will facilitate the workshops and provide a dietitian’s overview within the sessions.




Karina Ledwos

Karina has an extensive background in social work, psychology, and wellbeing promotion for both adolescents and adults. She has developed and coordinated a range of wellbeing programmes and trainings for charities, government departments, and public health organisations.  Karina has provided social work and supportive counselling to both adolescents and their caregivers. She is also a trained Mindfulness teacher.  Karina appreciates the challenges that living with coeliac disease presents to young people. She is passionate about equipping them and their caregivers with tools to navigate this challenging time.  Karina will facilitate and present at our youth session, using her expertise and knowledge in the wellbeing space.


Brea Marsh

Brea Marsh is a design graduate who has developed a multi-award-winning resource "C is for Coeliac Disease". In the last few years of her degree in Visual Communication Design at Massey University, Brea wanted her major project to be about coeliac disease. But it wasn’t until the start of her fourth year that she decided she wanted to design something to help children. Coeliac New Zealand is delighted to collaborate with Brea to bring this project to fruition. Through the funding granted by Sutherland Self Help Trust Coeliac New Zealand is now able to make this fabulous child-friendly resource designed for children with coeliac disease available.


Lily Henderson (Registered Dietitian)

Lily has over 17 years’ experience working as a New Zealand Registered Dietitian across public health, community, primary care, and food industry with a wide range of population groups. Lily is currently Nutrition & Development Kitchen Manager at My Food Bag and works with the chefs and ingredients team on the My Gluten Free Bag. Lily is a Board Member for the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and believes in the power of food for managing physical and mental health. Lily’s approach is realistic and relatable, and her focus is to empower people to find a long-term, sustainable, and evidence-based approach to eating.


Jenny Kuttel

Jenny is on the Coeliac New Zealand governance Board and has wide-ranging business experience in industries including rail operations in New Zealand and Australia and sawmilling operations in New Zealand. She has expertise in project management, policy development and implementation, operations management, human resources management and, management consulting services. Jenny will talk about her experiences as an intrepid traveller around the globe managing a strict gluten free diet while she journeyed around the world.




If you would like to advertise at the conference there are still opportunities available. Please use the contact form to request a Coeliac NZ Conference 2023 sponsorship pack.


About Coeliac New Zealand


Your partner in
healthy living

Coeliac New Zealand is available throughout your journey. As part of our community, you’ll get support, advice, and assistance. We work with health professionals, manufacturers, and researchers to raise awareness of coeliac disease in NZ.

Together, we can reach a day when every person with coeliac disease gets diagnosed quickly, lives a healthy life, and has the prospect of a cure.

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