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Covid-19 survey for people with coeliac disease


Over the last weeks New Zealander's have worked together to face the totally unprecedented threat of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19. We trust that you are keeping safe and well in your bubbles. Kia kaha.

We are very pleased to have been invited to circulate a survey on COVID-19. This survey was developed by Dr Ines Pinto-Sanchez and her team in Ontario, Canada, in conjunction with the Canadian Coeliac Association. This survey is focused specifically on the concerns and experiences of people with Coeliac disease about the current coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic.

This survey has been sent to people with coeliac disease in a number of countries (Canada, USA, Australia, Argentina and others). This will be an important way for us in New Zealand to contribute to this international process.

The survey has been designed in Canada (please excuse the North American terms, like the ER!) and has been approved by their local research ethics committee. It should take about 5 minutes to complete.

The information from the survey will be collected together by the team in Canada. All the information will be anonymous – individual people will not be able to be identified at any stage. Over time, the Canadian team will be able to send a summary of the information (including from the NZ perspective) and these overall summaries will be made available for you to read.

Thank you for undertaking this survey. Please use this link to go directly to the survey form:


Request for survey participation from Professor Andrew Day (Chair)

Coeliac NZ Medical Advisory Panel

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