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Coeliac Disease vs. Gluten Intolerance (Dr Jason Tye-Din)

I have just been diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Can you please explain the difference between gluten intolerance and coeliac disease? The terms “gluten intolerance”, “wheat intolerance” and “gluten sensitivity” can be quite confusing. This problem arises because there are no widely accepted criteria doctors can use to define these problems. The causes, treatment and medical […]

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One for the Lads

An ‘Average Bloke’s’ Coeliac Experience Kiwi man Lewis Morgan admits he was “less-than-prepared” for his coeliac diagnosis. In fact, when he first heard about the growing popularity of gluten-free foods he thought: “Here comes another stupid diet craze.” In the beginning . . . I’d just hit that magical mid-age number, 45 and went for a […]

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Honing in on Male Health

How to approach, support and encourage coeliac testing Testing for coeliac disease isn’t always the first port of call when we start feeling unwell. Men especially are less likely to seek medical attention when experiencing signs and symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and weight loss.  If you suspect a male in your family may be […]

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