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Be Bold, Speak Up: Top Tips for teens with CD

Being ‘different’ isn’t easy at the best of times – and it’s harder again when you’re a teenager and fitting in feels like the easiest defence mechanism. Dealing with a condition like coeliac disease is a mark of difference, it’s true. But difference doesn’t have to mean isolation – and with a few tactics up your teen’s...

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Your Coeliac Journey - Where to Begin?

It’s time to start your journey toward feeling better! While it might seem overwhelming, we’re here to help. First week – where to start: First and foremost, don’t stress yourself out. You’ve come to the right place for information and we recommend allowing yourself time to digest everything (excuse the pun!) before overloading yourself with […]

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Q&A with Bronte Anscombe

Bronte Anscombe was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease over 10 years ago, which sparked an interest in nutrition leading her to study nutrition and dietetics.  How old were you when you were diagnosed, and what were the main symptoms? I was 12 years old when I was diagnosed. Unlike a lot of people, I did not have […]

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